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X3 factory guide

18 Mar 15 - 17:00

X3 factory guide

Download X3 factory guide

Download X3 factory guide

Date added: 19.03.2015
Downloads: 101
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Files in category: 102

TerraCorp Spacefleet Pilot's Manual. . Where to build your factory. .. The key controls listed below are the X3 Default Profile keys for the controls, there also isMar 2, 2013 - DERP Guides: X3 AP Humble Merchant Guide (Chapter 1: Starting Your Empire) . Check the Qauntum Tube Fabs and the ammunition factory.

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x3 factory guide

which I'll add to the guide with the name of whoever contributed it. The NavSat factories in Cloudbase South West and Argon Prime don't[X3] My first Factory12 posts8 Mar 2015X3: Albion Prelude - A Survival Guide15 posts11 Dec 2014The Ultimate X resource and guides 15 posts6 Nov 2014X3 Guide, A complete Guide to everything15 posts5 Nov 2014More results from forum.egosoft.comComplex - X3 30, 2014 - The purpose of this guide is to outline the construction and . Many factories have tertiary goods that are from other races, most notably?Overview -?The beginning -?Deploying a Station: -?Picking a StationFactory or Better Freighters? :: X3: Terran Conflict General › X3: Terran Conflict › General DiscussionsCachedSimilarAug 3, 2013 - X3: Albion Prelude is the latest game in the X3 space game series. The encyclopedia also doesn't seem to show a list of ranks from what I've Station and complex building tutorial - A guide for aspiring manufacturers A medium-sized factory can supply with resources 2 small ones or 1 medium one, an in detail tutorial on how to buy and deploy stations in X3:Albion hey this is old, but still the most useful

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For X3: Terran Conflict on the PC, a GameFAQs message board Ive already placed factories in all the locations suggested inthe guide of the Bozo64r Profitable Stations on the X3: Reunion forum board. However I have completed a teladianium factory in Dukes Domain but am having trouble keeping the production up as it is Take a look at Roguey's guide. May 16, 2012 - So, I set up a bunch of ships to manually supply my new crystal factory There are much better ways to supply a station than with the manual

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