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What is motion resolution

18 Mar 15 - 17:03

What is motion resolution

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Download What is motion resolution

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As far as I know 60hz LCD TV motion resolution is only 300 lines. There are 2 types of 120h/240hz resolutions on modern TVs - one kind of

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Samsung Vs Panasonic @ PDP motion Resolution by gr. Manos Bachlitzanakis Sep 5, 2008 - CNET reviewers explain the methodology for testing motion resolution and ask whether it should be included in HDTV reviews. Hello, I have a question. Why still are not new modern LCD TV capable to show full resolution in motion ?? Even last reviewed Sony

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LCD's suck at displaying resolution in motion!The result, three distinct groups emerged from this test of the twenty 1080p displays. All displays Nov 16, 2007 - It's a fact of life: when you buy a 1080p set, you never see true 1080p resolution when things are in motion. Gary Merson (of Home Theater Mag All of these terms deal with phenomena related to motion resolution or otherwise incorrectly called motion enhancement that are prevelent and obvious in LCDSep 23, 2013 - Despite the lower panel refresh rate, these plasma HDTVs still support the full 1080 lines of motion resolution even though they lack the faster Jun 10, 2012 - Unfortunately, it's still continuous type display, unlike plasma and CRT, that are pulse-type displays. So motion resolution perceived with our The minor question is, what the heck is Motion Resolution, and why would I care about it? The Major, million dollar question is, why would I

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